Magento (Adobe Commerce)

To integrate imsafu payment with Magento, you need to have basic knowledge of server operations. However, there's no need to worry as you can simply follow the instructions in the tutorial step by step.


Open the root Magento directory on your server and use the following command:

composer require imsafu/payment:1.0.0

At the Composer request, enter your Magento marketplace credentials (public key - username, private key - password). You can find your credentials in


Run the following commands to upgrade Magento extension:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Clear Magento Cache

SYSTEM -> Cache Management -> Click “Flush Magento Cache”



Click STORES -> Configuration

Then click Sales -> Payment Methods

find "imsafu Cryptocurrency Payment"




Parameter Description:

  1. Enabled: Whether to enable the plugin
  2. Merchant Secret: Please go to imsafu official websiteopen in new window and click on "Join Waitlist" to fill out the form to apply for an API Key. (This field can be left blank if Test Mode is enabled)
  3. Title: The title of the payment method displayed on the checkout page.
  4. Receiving Address: Used to fill in the wallet address that receives the cryptocurrency. You can use a wallet address or a deposit address of an exchange.
  5. Brand Name: Used to display the merchant name on the payment platform.
  6. Test Mode: You can use the test network and test coins for payment testing. In this case, the Merchant Secret field is not required.
Last Updated:
Contributors: trinityguru